10 fails on the board – what you should not do traveling by plane

Fly cheap and with comfort is a dream of all air passengers. However, on the board of the airliners, the awkward and so unpleasant situations often take place, that overshadow the entire impressions of the flight. Here are ten most common fails that can happen to you during your flight. Read and remember – this is how you should not behave being on the board of the plane.

Take oversized hand luggage with you on a board

on a plane

Checking baggage is troublesome. Some people do not want to do this, so they decide to take it as a hand luggage on the board of the plane?

Remember: to the cabin of the aircraft it is allowed to carry cargo up to 10 kg with dimensions not exceeding 115 cm (the sum of the lengths of the three sides of the bag). But some air carriers have their own norms.

plane shelf

To occupy more than one place on the shelf above your seat is at least impolite.

Leave children unattended

child on plane

Flight with children is a common practice. Children under two years fly for free, sitting on laps of a mother or father, without occupying a separate place. From 2 to 12 you need to buy a special children’s ticket, as a rule, it is 30-50% cheaper.

In this case, the flight with the child is an additional responsibility for the parents. They need to think not only about how their child will feel on the board, but also that the baby does not cause inconvenience to other passengers. Because constant cryings and screamings of a child can turn the flight into a hellish attraction. Before the start of the flight check that your child is healthy and not hungry.

Legs up!

fly by plane

Seating in the airplanes is not always comfortable. Sometimes there is so little space between the rows of seats that it is so problematic to occupy a comfortable position.

But this is not an excuse to place your legs up, put them on a standing in front of you chairs and more over on the other passengers. Just put yourself in the place of your fellow travelers.

Running to the exit

travel by plane

The plane has landed. But do not jump from your seat and run to the exit (especially if your place is in the center of the salon). The airliner takes some time to “park.” Do not create a crush at the exit, do not try to climb over the heads of others.


seats on plane

Simple arithmetic: 3 chairs, 4 armrests, 6 hands. The same as in the cinema. Respect your fellow travelers – do not occupy an adjacent armrest.

The unfolded armchair

seats on planes

To throw back the chair and have a nap is the right of each passenger. However, according to the statistics, because of this “right” there are 60% of conflicts on the board. After all, a person sitting behind your back also has the right for comfort.

Here is a two-way fail: do not complain about a laid out chair (especially if a pregnant woman or an elderly person is sitting ahead), but you should not endure it if you have osteochondrosis (for a short flight, you can politely ask a neighbor to fold the seat).


sleep on plane

Yes, it’s a disease. Yes, a sleeping person can not control the sounds escaping from his larynx. But! If you know that you snore, and fly only 3-5 hours, maybe it’s better try not to sleep? For example, watch a movie or read a book.

And those who fly a lot, here is a piece of advice for you – take the ear plugs with you. You’ll never guess what a “tiger” bought a ticket next to you.


gases on plane

We all are humans… But the plane is a closed space, and remember, please, that there is a toilet on the board.


smell on plane

Once again: the plane is a closed space. Do not be lazy to take a shower before the flight, especially if you are afraid to fly or your body tends to sweating.


alcohol on plane

Many people are afraid of flying, and for some reason they stifle their phobia with alcohol. Please, do not do that. First, the drinking of alcohol drinks in an airplane is regulated by the airline’s internal regulations. Someone allows to drink only alcohol, bought on the board, someone has a “dry law” at all. Secondly, even if you can drink, you should not drink a lot. Nobody wants to listen to the drunken ravings of a fellow traveler.Thirdly, if you have already drunk, behave yourself well. Remember, a drunken people on the board of an aircraft is a security threat, and their actions can be followed with criminal prosecution.

Hope you will take our pieces of advice into consideration and nothing will spoil your next trip by plane! Fly wise!

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