Going on a trip, we often do not think about how much money we spend, and, going home, we are shoked: how could we spend so much?! Today we will tell you how to save on food during your journey.
Food is one of the main items of expenditure when we go on a trip. Of course, when traveling, we want to try the national cuisine of a new country or some exotic dish. But this does not mean that during all the days of our trip we have to spend fabulous sums on food.
Many travelers, of course, have their own habits and ways that help them save on food. Some of them we will share with you today.
Always carry a bottle of water and something to eat with you
You should always have a bottle of water with you, especially if you are going to a country with a hot climate. Preliminarily find out if it is safe to drink tap water in this country, and if so, just always bring water in the bottle before you go somewhere.
It is also very important that you have some snacks with you that you can eat: biscuits, sandwiches, nuts … So you will spare yourself the need to stop at expensive cafes and restaurants.
When it is warm you can take all your supplies and go on a picnic: fresh air and wonderful views will be a worthy alternative to the stuffy cafes with expensive coffee.
Compare prices in grocery stores
In your hometown, you probably know which supermarkets are more expensive and sell everything at an exorbitant price, and in which stores you can buy the same products, but at a lower price. What prevents you from doing the same on vacation?
Explore the prices in stores, find where they are cheaper. A supermarket does not need to be located near the place where you stay. If it is far away, it’s even better: you will have an extra reason to get yourself out for a walk and find so many interesting and unusual places that can not be found in any guidebook.
If it is possible, cook yourself
Many people, even if they rent apartments with kitchens, do not cook on their own during vacations, but prefer to eat in some fast food cafe. They usually explain this: “Well, I’m on vacation, why on earth will I still cook something!?”
Yes, of course, vacations are for total relax but not for everyday activities like cooking, cleaning, etc. But do not forget that if you cook yourself, then you will reduce the cost of food in two or maybe three times.
Make a daily plan of your spendings on food
Many of us do not do it while traveling thus we just waste money, not even really thinking about it. And if, for example, you do not feel so miserable spending money on unusual and fascinating excursions, the impressions of which will last a lifetime, then the case of food is quite different.
So, in order to save yourself from unnecessary expenses on food, make a plan: calculate the optimal amount of money, which you should not spend more than on food.
Avoid cafes/eateries/restaurants in places of congestion of the tourists
We all know this, but all the time we forget it: near attractions, which are popular among tourists, everything is extremely expensive, especially food which is necessary part of our daily life. Of course, in such places you will get anything you want, but be ready to get the number of zeros in your cheque too.
It’s better to eat normally without extra money wasting in a non-tourist place. You will definitely save money, but where it is more delicious – nobody still knows.
If you save on food, then you will have more money, which you can spend on interesting visits to the museums and galleries, excursions, on souvenirs for relatives or just be able to bring more money from your trip home.
So, travel and spend your money wisely!